I hope you enjoy it and understand it !

Time as we all know, marches on no matter what we do, as we also know we can not affect Mother Nature either. We can only affect the things near to us and that we have the ability to reach, either in nature or in humananity. The truth is mankind is actually limited in many ways, like mental abilities and physical abilities folks. We can only run so fast, we can only calculate so fast, and we can not change nature or time, but we also understand we are limited in our time on this planet. Where we come from, how we act, all depends on those who raise us and then, they depart from the earth. We learn through watching, attempting, and being. We do not have osmosis, or strange new abilities that others don’t, for if you did, you would be cast out of human societies, because people would fear you.

As we grow up in the world some of us like being alone and only enter society as needed. Otherwise we only do so, because we have no choice. We learn in schools of others from kindergarten to college levels, some of us get degrees and use them and some get them and fail to use them for any purpose. Some are labors, some are educators, some politicians, scientists. computer nerds, programmers and more. Others go into medicine, whether nursing or as doctors. There is a vast range of employments, arts, music come into play also.

A few, become special due to high intellect, or physical abilities and they are lucky, for they out show the rest of us who are ordinary in most ways. Very few, remember all that happens in their lives or all they have met or done. Why, because humanity does not like the painful, depressing or injury periods of our lives when they happen, or we have to deal with loses we have experienced in our lives, like when parents die, spouses, die or siblings. These become major changes in how we feel, act and react to others around us and any situation we may find ourselves in. We adapt to it slowly and it takes time to do so, there are many stages when one is recovering from loses, and we all know them I believe, denial, then acceptance, then,depression, then a slow recovery where we realize we can’t change what has happened or bring that loved one back, but we are still here and must carry on. Some when they lose someone special in their lives find a way to just move forward and never look back, but, in my experience and from what I have seen, if someone does not grieve long enough and get through it, they never are the same, nor do they recover, well enough to get involved in others lives, or have anyone in their own.

How we recover and carry on and why is the question here isn’t it? We all need some companionship or friendships in our lives, few are true loners. The Loners as I call them, love to hide from public events, they avoid large crowds, they have lower opinions of themselves, low esteem, and shy from people. Loners like myself, may attend an event, a social function now and then, just to be seen, or to feel like we belong, but then, we know we don’t really, do we? We make weak attempts to fit in, and get along with all around us, because we know we have to to survive. We all have our own personality faults, we all have our own emotional difficulties and we all have feelings we hide, from others. Some of us do so greater than others, and know better then to reveal the truth, of ourselves.

I know, many who are extroverts, who get along with all and will say or do anything I fit in. I also know introverts, they shy from all, but, still when approached, get along with most. So what’s the real difference here, an extrovert has lil fear, can talk to anyone and control their emotions and what they say or do, all the time, except when excited beyond control. A introvert, will not act out, has some difficulty with fitting in, feels awkward and out of place, and unwanted. Introverts have low esteem, and feel themselves below others in many ways. While a extrovert has great pride and burst forth because of their high esteem, an introvert is the complete opposite and hides. Otherwise both have different ways of handling societial norms on a daily basis, so to say. At 68, years old I have witnessed much of what I am speaking, I have lived it and experienced it, and acknowledged it, and accepted it. And if you as an individual stop and examine yourself you will find, you are either one or the other yourself.

What causes us to be either depends on how we were raised, by whom we were raised, what, they have taught us, how they have treated us as we grow up. The importance of parents in this world is vital, for anyone and everyone. Yet, there must be a balance in how we raise our children. We can’t give them everything they want, that’s just spoiling them, we can’t deny all they want either. We can’t not discipline our children and teach them right from wrong, for without discipline we have chaos, and our children end up in prisons as adults. There is a delicate balance to raising a child, that one must keep a close eye on at all times. It’s the job of a parent to make sure their child is safe, cared for and taught correctly, which means you need to teach them manners, respect, how to be honest and caring. Other wise they shall be cast out of society or end up on the lowest tier of said society as we know it. Do, all of us get this delicate balance from our parents as we grow up, no, if we did society would be a perfect thing and it is not. Human Kind is not perfect, society is not perfect nothing is, is it? So, as we raise our children in the world today, we must not only teach them well, discipline them well, and educate them well, we must also make sure we teach them how to care for themselves and the ones they love also. Yes, it’s a complicated scheme to do, and no it is not easy, yet, it can be done.

Stop putting your children down, stopped hitting them or screaming at them. For it is the abuse you put up on them, that makes them not fit in. They rebel, they fight back, they strike out at humanity, if you raise them wrong, for they lack the attention they need growing up, from their parents. If given that attention when they need it, they can overcome anything, positive reinforcement works, teaching works, emotional support works, being there watching them, guiding them, works folks. And let me say this to all, it matters not what color your skin, what background you come from, what nationality, we all want the same things in life, to be loved, to be respected to be heard, and to live in peace, among humanity. So, do yourself a favor, I don’t care what your color, race, or nationality may be, what country you live in, remember, your children are the future for mankind on this planet we call earth, take the time to raise them right, take the time to listen to them, communicate with them, help them emotionally and physically if needed. For you are making mankind better if you do !

You may not agree with all I have said here, but, my opinion is just that my opinion. And in the world today, and especially here in America, we all still have a right to our opinions and to voice them as necessary, as long as we do not harm anyone else. So, this is my opinion and thought for today, made into a blog post !. I hope you enjoy it and understand it !

The Neighborhood Tavern in Northbough, Mass, on RT 20

Being new to Massachuetts and the Worcester County area, I continue to explore the area. I moved here after my wife passed and arrived in Westborough, in March of 2022. As a widower, I basically keep to myself, and have not dated anyone in my age range or otherwise, since.

So yesterday was a Saturday and I decided in the end to explore The Neighborhood Tavern in Northbough, Mass, on RT 20. It is a clean place, with a nice atmosphere and the staff is friendly there. I took a chair at the bar and ending up ordering a Rubin Sandwhich and a Red Ale Beer. My thought was I am alone and hungry and didn’t care about where I sat.

My intention was to just enjoy myself and talk to whoever I could, to make friends I had hoped. While the atmosphere was nice and the bar is very neat and clean, and the food is good, the service took a few minutes to catch up to me, because there were busy.

Once my sandwhich and beer arrived I tried watching some sports on the tv’s there and golf was on. Now I am not a big golf fan and I do not play it, but, I wondered out loud what Tiger Woods was doing and how. Well turns out he was 8 over, I was told and not in good shape at all physically, seems, he hurt himself I was told lifting weights. I talked tpoa couple next to me and tried to make jokes and laugh some with them. I learned not to talk to complete strangers, due to the guy I sat next to, he was very tense it seemed to me, and not a happy person. His girlfriend it turned out wasa nice person and a teacher, and had a nice smile. We talked of where I was from, I came up from Connecticut when my wife passed and it turns out she was from Connecticut also. We made small talk and I mentioned I served 16 years in the military, in three different branches. Well, in the end, I shouldn’t have said anything. The guy wanted to know where I served, I mentioned Grenada, and went off, saying that wasn’t a war zone. Well, doesn’t matter, I tried to tell him, one mission is not a 16 year career in the military, but, he was all out sort, so much, his girlfriend had to tell him to stop and calm down. I am like 15 years older than either of them, and smart enough to know when to shut up and leave it be. The guy apologized for getting angry and went quiet and so did I and his female friend. I finished my sandwhich and beer and paid and left. I learned a lesson, I thought I was being nice by joking and talking about my military life and my wife’s passing, and I ended up, with a angry person next to me. I won’t make the same mistake twice, I will keep to myself. Sadly, when I left I waved goodbye to the young lady and the guy did wave bye quickly.

The experience has been strange here in Massachuestts for me, each bar/ tavern I have gone to is different in nature and the types of people in them. I may have wandered into The Neighborhood Tavern just to check it out, and found people who seemed angry at the world for one reason or another. I just hope, the guy is ok, for his girlfriend did try to calm him down and make him stop when he went off on me. There are many reasons people go off on others like that, and I know asa senior citizen and ex-military man, about most of them. Sadly, it seems, Massachuetts, has many angry folks in it, who thjink they know everything in the world and will disagree with what ever you did or say. I didn’t find this in other bar’s or taverns in Westborough where I live though. It just seems, to have been in this one Tavern. I don’t hold it against anyone of course, I understand it for I have seen angry people before, and at my age, I forgive and forget, the moment I leave.

I have met some people since I moved here in 2022 to Westborough. Some in my community of 55 plus, are great and kind. I have only met a few women in my area through dating apps online. The first I met was a nice lady, but, for me, there was no chemistry with her. The second I met, I had lunch with and she was a nurse, and again, we had no attraction, or anything in common. The third one, was very good looking redhead I met and I thought was nice enough, but, I found out she has a alcohol problem. So that wasn’t for me either.

So, after being here for over two years, alone and on my own, I gave up online dating sites, because, they cost too much and do not produce matches as far as I can see. So, I decided to try the taverns and bars, but the ones I see, and have been in are not for my age group it seems. Maybe I am too old or just not, right for this area I do not know yet. I keep looking for a place to meet others my own age range, who I can get along with.

As to The Neighborhood Tavern on RTE 20 in Northborough, Mass. it is a nice place, clean, neat, not overly expensive really in today’s day and age. As to it’s food, and service, I would rate that a B+ only due to it being busy at the time, The staff is helpful and friendly and the atmosphere is bright and clean. Overall, I would rate the tavern in the A- range. I will keep searching and hoping, to find a place for my age range, where senior citizens have a chance to meet other their age range. And yes I have tried the libraries, and the Senior Center in town. Always gonna keep trying and hoping is all. Age will always be a factor for sure, but as an elderly person, who is a widower I keep trying.

Phases of life, and Ends

There are phases in life and we face them. We were all young once, free, happy, and full of energy. We ran, we played, we talked to other kids on a daily basis in school and out side as we played. Then, we grew more, and became teenagers, who wanted to do all adults did, but, we slimmed down those we hung with to a few, we liked the best, Then, romance comes into play as we, notice the opposite sex and start the chase that leads us to dating, relationships and ultimately marriage and creating families. At one point or another, we face the ending of those relationships, either through break-ups, separations, or divorces, or in the end the death of our spouses. Each time we lose the one important to us, many of us pick ourselves up and try again and move on in life to other replationships and marriages. But, when you reach a certain age and it happens to you, you flounder, you try and fail and lose your confidence, to try again. We all go through it folks, even, if we all deny, it has happened to us. The best we can do then, is carry on alone as singles, and that causes stress, tension and emotional problems for all of us, no matter our sex. It’s just a fact, we become divorces, or even worse, like widowers or widows, and we know not where to turn next.

So we move ourselves into 55 plus neighborhoods or complexes, for safety, affordability and for things to do socially and hope it works for us, as individuals. When you live in a 55 plus community, you learn quickly, not to approach or date someone who lives in the same complex as you. Why, simple, the community is like Peyton Place and people talk and, no matter what, if a relationship you start goes bad, the man is always blamed, just face it. So what is there for a single person over 55 to do ? There is no answer to this in the community I live in, or the town of Westborough, Mass really, you can try dating sites, but they cost money and people play mind games on them. It’s not worth the money you may spend on them. So, you come to realize ultimately, that you have moved into an area, where you will stay alone, make the best of it all and more than likely die. For without interaction, and having someone to care for and such, what purpose do we really have for being alive? I have honestly come to the opinion that I made a mistake moving to a new state and town, without knowing anyone, and that decision will in the end, end me.

Unless you have lived through the death of a loved one, cared for them and lost them, you have no idea of which I am speaking. Someday, all will for, many of us, end up living alone, we get isolated and we attempt to connect with others and fail. Why do you think, spouses follow those they have lost, within a short period of time ? It’s the loneliness factor, it’s the loss factor, it’s the feeling of getting no where no matter how hard you try. So you withdraw, you isolate, you surrender to the impossibility of it all, and give up. No matter how you try, you end up figuring out, no one can replace the one you lost,, the age factor then comes into play no matter how hard you try, and in the end, there is no place to find a partner in your age range. Thus it only takes a matter of time, till you lose your spirit, your energy, your will to push on and, the slow decline begins to the ending all mankind faces. We all end up in the same place folks, it’s just a matter of time and how soon we accept the inevitable if you get my drift. So, I have come to accept my fate, my destiny, and I go day by day, just puttering along, walking, and basically watching my demise come at me slowly. Some say to me, this is called depression and I should seek help, I do not see it that way. I see it as, I have done all I can in life, for others, and there is not much left to give anymore.

As I told my sister when she left me in this condo, to move on in her life, this is where they will find me, when I pass from this earth, period. And ultimately I have come to accept it now.

O.J. Simpson’s Ending

Yesterday OJ Simpson passed from cancer, at home with his family surrounding him, in the comfort of his own bed. As we all know, his trials for the murders of his ex-wife Nicole and her friend Ron Goldman, had so many Americans transfixed to television and the case. Many Americans of all colors and races, believed OJ Simpson was indeed guilty, and others did not understand the science involved in this case. DNA was relatively new and the explanation of it in court, was confusing at the time, and too many misunderstood the evidence.

While few recall all of the trial, that is now being gone over again, the science and DNA, contained and shown in the trial, really proved OJ Simpson did these murders. Why did he get off, in this case, that mesmerized the people of this nation, it was in an era of racial tension. If not for the racial element of his case and the atmosphere in America at the time, he would have been convicted and locked away for life or, given a death sentence at the time.

After the murder trial, Simpson was found civilly responsible for the deaths and ordered to pay the families. Yet he paid very little to either rof them over the years and dodged it all. The book he wrote and the Goldman family published, gave them some funds, and it ultimately showed that Simpson had committed the murders and gotten away with it. Sadly, America allowed him to walk away, and live his life to an extent, until he was later convicted for other crimes and jailed.

Now that he is dead at 76 years old and gone, will it ever be known all he did, and how he really did it? The case still divides the nation, but, sadly, it more than likely always will. But, the opinions on it have shifted and many more of both white and black Americans believe he was guilty as sin. I know for me, my opinion never changed from the first day I heard of the murders, and saw the White Bronco chase. If he wasn’t guilty, why run, why write a letter the way he did ? The gloves did fit even if they were shrunken from rain and weather. The blood in the bronco and so much more all pointed at Simpson, period. There never was another suspect and never shall be. Sadly, O.J. Simpson got away with murder back then, and most Americans know it now. What is sad is the remaining member sof the victims families and how they have had to live with it all, missing their relatives over all that time. Evena fter spending years in jail, and being forced to live in Las Vegas and Nevada, Simpson, wasa glory hound living off his I’ll gotten gains and his prior reputation as a sports star and actor. Right up until nearly his end he video taped himself thanking his fans for asking about him and keeping track of him. He knew he got away with murder and how he did it, and he smiled about it till his end.

I just want to say this, O.J. Simpson wasa great, running back in the NFL, that can never be taken from him, nor can his acting career. But, in contrast and reality, Simpson, also did crimes and murders, and his passing should not be celebrated. Discussed yes, dissected yes, honored no. The saddest part of Simpson’s life is that he ruined it for himself and all around him. His fall from public grace and tumbling from great heights to the bottom rung in lifem was not caused by others, the law, or the courts, it was caused by O.J. Simpson himself. The fact is he knew he leaves behind children, who must live their lives, trying to not discuss, hide and avoid their father’s reputation and crimes. He put that on his own children, and sadly they have no way of escaping that cloud he left over his family, children and in history ! In the end, O.J. Simpson destroyed his own life, the lives of the Brown family and Goldman family, He destroyed his own children’s futures too, for they must now live with all he did. They will be blamed for his actions or at least looked at as being a criminal and murders offspring, attached to them. There is no clear way for them to prove their father didn’t do it and for them to fully escape all he did. I feel sorry for his children, they did not ask for what they have to live with, that’s for sure. As they prepare to bury him, and have to pay for it all, they must feel the shame and pain he brought up on them heavily, in all ways. I hope they can find a way to live in peace, and not let his actions hurt their lives in the future.

Don’t Vote Trump, save our republic!

Americans must do themselves a favor, come November and the election, do not vote for Donald J. Trump !. If you want to know why, then in my opinion you are either blind, foolish, uneducated or just out right a MAGA cultist !

Before you rail at my post here or blog, I want you to actually look at Donald J, Trump’s real record. Please wake up America, for this man was laughed at when he was President and it hasn’t gotten any better since he lost in 2020 and caused a riot and insurrection at the Capital, after his lose. But, lets talk, facts, ok.

Let’s start at the beginning at least in my opinion. First and foremost, Donald J, Trump did not make his fortune on his own, it was handed to him when his father died. So he lied outright about that, and he claimed he was billionaire many times sover, but, couldn’t come up with the 454 million dollar fine, he got in court.

Next, this man has failed to sell water, steaks and a Trump University and took money from people for said University, otherwise he conned people out of their money, with total disregard for their ages, or conditions. Donald J. Trump is hated by contractors in New York and elsewhere, because he never fully paid the people who did the work for him fully. He paid them pennies on the dollar for the jobs and supplies they gave and did for him. Ask New Yorkers what they think of him, they wil tell you he is an awful person in all ways. Yet, he still has his MAGA followers !

He failed as a President in so many ways it is crazy to even think of considering him for another term. He fumbled Covid and what to do with it. He suggested we drink bleach to kill it, almost killing people when he did. He ended up impeached twice a in one Term as President, no President has ever been down that road. He failed to build the wall on the southern border as he said he would and failed to get Mexico to pay for it. Now, he wants to blame ethe democrats for that and can’t. He passed a tax law and who did it benefit folks, not the average middle class citizen or below, but himself and his rich cronies. Stop and think about that one now !

Donald J. Trump knew he lost the 2020 election, he knew he was beaten and still he denied it and would not concede to Biden ! So he stood on the capital grounds and called out the Proud Boys and more to attack the capital on January 6th, 2021. He set up fake electors in six states and tried tos top the electorial count in Washington. No President in American History has ever even thought of doing all Trump did and has so far gotten away with. Sadly, he is still walking free now, why? Please tell me why he is not in prison where he belongs ?

While Trump runs for the Presidency once more, Oath Keepers, and Proud Boys and others he got to attack the capital, are now felones, convicted and jail and serving time for what he told them to do, to the tune of 500 people convicted now. I remind all once you are a felon, you can not vote on America, anymore you lose that right. People have been convicted and had their lives changed, why, because Trump wouldn’t play by the rules and laws of the land. What someone should do in the media, is go to the prisons or jails and talk to the people convicted and serving time for what Trump told them to do, and see how they like it now, and what they think. While they sit in prison these Oath Keepers, and Proud Boys and more, Donald J. Trump is eating hat he wants and doing what he wants, enjoying himself on his golf courses and more. It’sa sad realization for the ones who did as he asked and are now convicted criminals, go ask Peter Navarro folks, the latest victim of Trump’s delusional vision and a follower. Maga is a cult and one that is sad and indifferent to average Americans, it does nothing for America, and is only a blind cult attracting losers and the uneducated and foolish.

I remind all Donald J. Trump was svoted out of office and he should never be allowed in any public office in America again. 2 Impeachments, 4 Indictments, 91 charges originally against him. Now down to 88 charges but, they all existed and are still ongoing. Pay attention Americans, he is destroying this country. He kow-towed to Putin and Russia and to Kim and South Korea too. He kissed their asses and got zip in return. He is a loser himself in all ways.

Come Monday, after numerous attempts to delay his trials, he must now face charges in NEw York’s courts for his hush money scheme and payments to a porn actress and director. He is still trying to get the case delayed and the charges dropped and failing at it in a bad way. Gag Orders, and fines he is hit with, because he can’t control his mouth and he is actually making it worse for himself with all he is doing. No average America would attack the Judges, witnesses against himself and the Prosecutors too. Then, go on to attack the Judges and Prosecutors families too, you do it and see how fast your bail is revoked and you get locked up, go head now. I remind all of one simple fact, Trump left Office as President, slinking out of town and taking secreta nd top secret documents with him to Mar a Lago. Why, and what was he doing with them, who did he show them to, and why did he refuse to return them ?

As to his so called Immunity Claims, he has no claim to it, When a President leaves office that claim or right disappears. He is no longer President, any special privileges and laws covering the Presindency does not apply to a normal citizen, Secondly, no President has total immunity in American history ! His immunity claims are as false as his hair on his head, lol.

As April moves on and Donald J. Trump’s first criminal trial gets ready to commence in New York, he will make ever attempt he can to delay it or get the charges dropped, but he failing at doing so, so far. As his trial date approached Trump is panicing and of course throwing whatever he can against the wall, to block his day in court. He pays millions in legal fees daily, yet in the end these lawyers will not even et paid in full for the work they are doing, and they should know that now. Trump has fallen out of the Billionare list, he couldn’t come up with the 454 million, got it reduced to 175 million and hired a bailbond company that can’t cover it, so, now he has a new problem lol!.

So my question for all The Trump/ Maga followers and supporters out there is a simple one, why the hell are you following Trump ? What is so great about this con man, grifter, thief, hate monger and woman hater that you support? Women alone should kill his run for office by their votes themselves, he is taking the right to their health away from them ! Women do you really like him telling what you can or not do with your own body ? Sad if you do !

Let me close this blog with this: If Donald J. Trump wins the Presidency, Russia wins, Ukraine falls, women won’t be in control of their own health, abortion will be outlawed and in the end America will get sold out by him. You have the power to save our republic and democracy in your hands, don’t put our republic at risk! Remember what Ben Franklin said after the Constitution was signed and America was formed, ” We shall only have a republic as long as we keep it secure and safe !” The Founding Fathers would never have allowed Trump near the Presidency or White House ! The Founding Fathers would have classified and declared Donald J. Trump a danger to our republic and declared him a traitor, worse then Benedict Arnold. Don’t Vote Trump, save our republic!

No More Preferential treatment for Donald J. Trump.

April 2, 2024 is here ! As we go forward I am wondering, how Donald J. Trump has not been jailed for his mouth and actions ! I have been watching the interactions between Trump and Justice Department Officials, Judges and Prosecutors and their families. He continues even after being put under gag orders to, shout to the public and attack the courts and Judges and more. Why is this being allowed by the Judges involved in each of his cases ?

If it were just a another American citizen doing so, we would be in a jail cell, for contempt and breaking of said gag order quickly. But, Trump gets away with saying what he wants to who he wants, about who he wants and gets no reprimand, fine or jail time as of yet, why?

Preferential Treatment is what is happening here. I remind all JUdges and lawyers involved in all 4 indictments and 88 remaining charges against Trump, he is just another citizen, he is not the President and even if he was, he has no immunity period. SO what is with the Special Treatment Trump is getting from the Judges and the Courts as we move ahead? I know Trump is not President and I do not care if he is an ex-president, there is no grounds or need for the special treatment he is being given. The man isa con man, grifter and criminal period and to allow him to say and do as he pleases is dead wrong. If It were any average American citizen in America, we would have been placed in a jail cell a long time ago, to wait for our trials to begin, instead Trump gets special treatment. He gets to be free, say what he wants and cries when a gag order is put on him. He attacks the Judges, The Proscecutors and others not even associated with the Justice system, like Judge’s daughters. Why is this man allowed to do this, where is equal justice and treatment in Trump’s cases? What are the JUdges scarred of, regarding Trump? I know his MAGA followers are violent and dangerous, so what the Judge’s must do is lock Trump up period no matter the violence or maga followers he has. The only way Trump is going to shut up, is to be locked up for speaking out and attacking innocents, lawyers, Prosecutors and the Judges themselves as well.

Lets stop the preferential Treatment Donald J. Trump and his family too. As I stated already if any average American citizen did any of what Trump is doing and saying about Judges, The Justice Sysytem and the courts never mind familiy members like he does too, we would be locked up and the key thrown away. So, when will the Justice System, The Prosecutors and Judges, treat DOnald J. Trump like any other criminal defendant out there? I don’t care if Trump is an ex-president, he should not be allowed to say what he wishes regarding his cases or the legal people and their families of those trying his cases ! Treat Donald J. Trump like any other citizen in America, Equal Treatment and equal justice must be the same for everyone. No more preferential or special treatment for Donald J. Trump, stop letting him delay his cases and stop treating him different. No More Preferential treatment for Donald J. Trump.

Explain to me please !

Welcome to Easter 2024 folks ! I wish all a fine and Happy Easter Sunday !

As many celebrate the Easter Holiday, I hope they are with family and friends and have a great meal and the kids get the candy they wish! I hope all remember the day Jesus rose, once more. As time goes on the traditions of Easter remain with all of us.

As the day begins for me, my back is totally out of whack this am, and I awoke in pain. IN a back belt and taking Ibuptofin in 800 mg doses for now. But, I have been living with back pain since 1982 now, so, I carry-on the best I can. Each day is painfull these days as I can’t control the back, back beltsof not I am forced to reduce my walking hours and steps, and gonna try a heating pad in a bit. That usually, helps but, who knows for sure until I do it.

Anyway, March closes today on the 31st and it is Easter. Tomorrow will be April 1st and Fool’s Day. Be careful folks, some play pranks that are not nice they say, don’t get caught in one. I know many people who play pranks on April Fools and think they are being funny, when they actually cross the line and hurtsome people. That is why I warn of it.

The news on tv these days, sucks, all bad actually, Russia beating on Ukraine, Israel beating on Hamas and Gaza. War torn conflicts with no real meanings, except revenge and take overs by greedy people. The sad part is the suffering and deaths. Then there is the political news always on Trump and bIden and the race for the White House. The Government stymies itself, by not passing budgets that are needed and the help never gets to our allies anymore. It’sa world of miscues, and issues that can only harm, not help. Yet, I tend to listen to the news and just mind my own and carry-on now. I can’t change the world, but I can control myself.

What’s my biggest worry and the thing I am watching closely, the Trump Fiasco ! How the hell Americans can even think about putting Trump back in office is beyond me. The serious question is, will Trump sell us out top Russia and do you want a dictator for President. He still faces 88 charges, 4 indictments across the country, and he was impeached twice a while in office in one term. This man is a grifter folks, a con man and a cult leader. he failed at so much, it is crazy.

  1. Cheated contractors out of money in NY, Paid emdimes on the dollars.
  2. Couldn’t sell Trump water
  3. Couldn’t sell Trump Steaks
  4. Never produce hois Trump University
  5. Did not build a wall while President or get Mexico to pay for it
  6. Passed a tax law that only helped himself and his rich cronies.
  7. Tried to get Americans to drink bleach to kill COVID./ mishandled COVID big time
  8. Killed Roe vs, Wade and left women with no way to save themselves.
  9. Refused to admit he lost the election to Biden, wouldn’t concede
  10. Incited a riot and insurrection against his own government.
  11. Took government top secret and secret documents home and refused to give them back.
  12. Crys daily because he faces 88 charges still

Now, I watch as he delays all trials with appeals and tries to stay above water so he can run for office, and hopes to be able to pardon himself if he wins. Trump doesn’t care about America or it’s people folks, he only cares that he not be arrested and locked up in prison. Don’t be fooled, a billionaire should have had the 454 million to pay the fine, he doesn’t, he lies. Now what kind of a billionaire has to stoop slow as to hawk sneakers and Bibles? Explain to me please !

Lets Perserve and protect, and carry-on, and reject Trump and his Maga Movement !

Saturday has begun, it is now March 30th, 2024. Easter is tomorrow for those who do celebrate it, so, families will gather and kids will get candy and do egg hunts and such. It’s a day of reflecting on religion and Jesus, and his resurrection. Many have that religious belief in America and I persona;;y respect them for that. And of course I wish all a Happy Easter Weekend.

That said the world keeps turning and so many things happen daily it is hard to keep up with. Politics in America is a crazy world as an election gets closer. Then, we have trials of one candidate for President coming up, and he keeps working to delay them all or dismiss them. I understand his plan is to delay all the cases and charges Trump can as he attempts to run for President again, but, I think we need to know if he will be convicted in any of these cases he faces. So, the sooner he goes to trial, the better for America it can be. If Americans vote him in, I firmly believe it is the end of our republic and democracy as we know it. Donald J. Trump is dangerous and a threat to the country and our constitution, period. And I pray Trump does not win !

Next subject, we have bridges falling, we have air flight problems and of course social problems too, all in America. a war in Ukraine, the problems multiply daily. Putin gets a new 6 year term and refuses to stop that war, Israel has it’s war ongoing with Hamas still, as the Jewish people feel they must eliminate their opponents. One day ata time in the world is all we can do. China is a danger to democracy also as it eyes Tiwan also. The world is becoming unstable and dangerous and if we are not carefully, we could faces new world war.

IN America we have a social issue that gets worse daily I believe. People do not communicate fully and finding dates gets harder. People avoid one another out of fear of being taken advantage of, abused or more. So they invented online dating sites, I have now come to avoid also, they only want money and really don’t work. Sadly, our society, is becoming a lonely one and we have a loneliness syndrome going on. People are tied up in their cell phones and computers or on video games. Bars end up the last resort so people turn to them to try to deal with their loneliness and drinking costs big money. People drink and lose control and people get hurt. Taking a chance talking to others ina bar or tavern, is really just that, because one small statement can get ya hit or into a fight, So, most who drink, don’t meet new people much anymore then get intoapattern of drinking alone or with only their close friends. Society seems to be failing in that way, interactions are determined on the spot, and chances that people use dto take care not taken anymore. Fears, anxieties take over, and people avoid each other, it’s a sad situation for sure in America.

Well, as we go forward, March of 2024 is slowly disappearing, and April will bring showers I am sure and MAy will bring flowers, then the temperatures rise and we play outdoors more. People then, hike, fish, play pickle ball and more. We try to entertain ourselves and we end up doing so in our own way, each of us. I hope and pray, that America can heal some, and move ahead, but we are being yanked backwards by the Trump fiascos going on. We must at some point, reject this rhetoric and move forward. The longer Trump runs and makes the statements he is, the further down the road to end of democracy and our republic we go. we teeter on the edge of collapse due to his statements and actions. America must wake up, now. We can’t have a man running for office, who makes the statements he does and does call for the things he does too. What will become of America, and how long we keep the country we have intact will depend on all of it. Americans have to understand, they are being challenged, and tested, and if we fail and give in to this MAGA Movement and Trump we will lose our own Indentity as a nation and free country. Let’s not allow our country, our republic, our democracy, our United States of America, fall like the Roman EMpire did. Lets Perserve and protect, and carry-on, and reject Trump and his Maga Movement !

Stop Trump now, Please !

I was born in 1956, and the world was just awakening to rock and roll and Elvis, Presley. Car were still made of metal, and records were still around. Phones were on a table or desktop, or hung on a wall, and you actually had to pick up the receiver and listen and talk into it. It was a different time and as my mother said she didn’t like Elvis, but, she loved Sinatra. lol.

The sixties were a decade of freedoms and changes for sure. We went further into the rock ear, we sent men to the moon, we made advances in weapons, wars and more. Kennedy took us through the Cban Missle Crisis as others fought for freedoms and rights. A President died by assassination, we hit the moon, another President fought for civil rights. Then a third President that who accomplished a lot, but in the end in the seventies, he fell and had to resign from office for crimes and lying. BUt the seventies created jobs, people could live and we still communicated in person mostly. Then the eighties hit and things began to change, electronics exploded onto the scene computers and video games began to take over. Discipline of children change to don’t hit a child and instead talk to them. We now have hit the Cosby Syndrome I call it, and the beggining of disrespect in America between parents and children and so much more. Fake music performers, Regan economics and secret weapon sales and more President’s in trouble. Things kept changing, time kept puttering on. The eighties we’re about and America was still doing just fine, enjoying itself. As it did, American kids got more unruly, more bullying and more violent. GUns came to the forefront, and murders and crime grew. Each decade changed, not based on laws, but on emotions and the respect of women started to drop. The woman’s movement cranked back up, and we did get by Republican President to another Democrat. All the while women, lost right, were harassed and put down. The Nineties would change that a lot, as we had women who stepped up and attempted to break the mold and stand for many things. But, we still had violence and more and couldn’t control certain things like drugs and guns, or child abuse, the deaths and violence numbers grew.

We went thru Bill Clinton for eight years and survived although he almost didn’t, due to an affair and sex. Suddenly. it was all about a blow-job, and lying and Clinton hung on in office. He created jobs, adjusted the economy, and stabilized the nation in the end. Then, we ran into many years of close Presidential Elections, crazy candidates and women entered the fray for the Presidency in big ways. We had Shirley Chisim run, and other women like Hillary Clinton. They lost their war on birth control in the end in the 2000’s when a President Trump got Roe vs. Wade overturned. It’s 2024 now and I believe Hillary Clinton was right about everything she said regarding Trump, How The Hell did America ever elect Trump, a so called businessman, who is grifter, con man, liar, thief and so many things worse? He cheated companies out of money by paying them pennies on the dollar for the work and supplies they did for him. He failed at selling water, steaks and more under his name. He bilked and cheated people out of money for a University he never built. Yet, Americans voted for him.

Trump has his term, as President filled with things we never imagined a President would ever do. He Killed Roe/ Wade, he passed a tax law, that helped no one but himself and his rich friends. He told American’s during a COVID crisis to try tpo drink bleach th=o stop COVID on tv. He failed to build the wall he promised, and failed to get Mexico to pay for it. He lied folks. He lost The Presidental Position and office in Novemner 2020. He denied he lost, refused to concede and called the election stolen. He put together a plot to overturn the election, and failed as he called for violence on the capital, one January 6th, 2021. He called din Oath Keepers and Proud Boys who ravaged the capital, destroy buildings. got people killed and stodd there directing them. When he could lead them in person, for 185 minutes he sat in a dinningroom of the White House eating and watching it on television, and wouldn’t move to stop it, until his daughter told him to. Trump was impeached twice in office, he has been Indicted 4 times, had 91 charges against him. Yet some follow him and His MAGA MOvement like puppies following their mothers, it’s sad. He snuck out of Washingtom when he left and took secret and top secret documents with him, storing them in his home in MAr A Lago, think about that now. Why, Who did he show them to and why did he not return them when asked? This man, Trump gets preferred treatment in the courts and is delaying trials in anyway he can. Judges give him time and push back dates, and they need to wake up and realize his game plan. Trump wants to delay every trial past the election, so he can try to pardon himself. He is running not for you or the country Republicans, Trump is running to stay out of Jail, Wake Up!

My biggest fear in 2024 after living 68 years in America, and defending and serving the country I live in and love is Trump being elected again for in the end he will sell us out to Putin in a heart beat to save his ass. If You vote Donald J, Trump, you are viting a criminal into office, who is as Hillary, R. Clinton told you, Putin’s Puppet in all ways. Do me a favor and realize Americans, if Trump gets in, he will cell you out to save his own ass, he already tried once. Save your republic, save your democracy, save your freedoms and rights, VOTE Biden/ Harris. Lock Trump Up, get him to trial, let a jury of his peers tell you when thye convict him. Trump should never be allowed near the White House or Presidency or any other office again in America!

Cold Harbor Brewery, Westborough, Mass.

March 26th, 2024 is upon us all and the month is running down. As it does I continue to explore Westborough, Ma., it’s neighborhood and people and atmosphere and things to do. Westborough is a town that is friendly to most, and has places to gather, like taverns, bars and restaurants also. It’s library is quaint, and full of many books, magazines, and so much more, if you love reading. The Library staff is friendly and helpful in all ways, they love to help if you need them.

I have been slowly exploring the taverns/ bars in Westborough, first off because I am a widower and single and like to be able to talk to others, and meet new people and hopefully make new friends. Social interaction is vital to seniors like myself and others, so, it is nice to see some like to be welcoming and talkable.

I went to Cold Harbor Brewery on Otis Street on a Sunday here, and took a seat at the bar, to have a sandwhich and beer and see what it was like. It has plenty of parking, and it will fill up fast on some days and at times after 4 pm. So choose your time to visit carefully and be prepared to see people there. It is currently as I see it doing decent business and a friendly atmosphere, clean.

I had a Cuban Sandwhich and two beers as I watched the NCAA on the televisions there. The sandwhich was good and tastey and came with french fries in my case. The staff is attentive and aware of everyone there. They have a backroom you can rent for private parties and, a back corner in that room for bands/ music for parties. They do have Events scheduled and you can find them on the internet web site for Cold Harbor Brewery here in Westborough, Mass.

I would recommend you give Cold Habor Brewery a shot and check it out, it’s airy, and has dinning areas for families or couples, or singles too. It has sovenier shirts for sale and hats too. Overall, Cold Harbor Brewery is a friendly experience, it will more than likely be around long time and it has an outside area for warmers days in the spring/ summer and fall.

Overall, I would say Cold Harbor Brewery and it’s staff and atmosphere is something many in Westborough or surrounding towns will come to enjoy ! As long as they can keep it clean, neat and friendly, I suspect it will become a very popular place to go and relax for many. Take it from me !

They do have schedules for entertainment here, check the site for them. Some good music and more. I have been told they have Kareoke here on some night, I am going to check when, and what bands come in also. I am sure you can find out, on their website. Try Cold Harbor Brewery folks ! I did and I was pleased once, I got a seat.