Information post for all, who use Adult Friend Finder online.

Just a announcement / information post for all, who use Adult Friend Finder online.

As of April 25th, 2024, Adultfirend Finder. com is now a pay for all site. The free chat rooms no longer are available to free members, and you must pay for all actions now. Of course this will affect many who loved their chat rooms and used them daily, and I am sure all non-paying members will not be staying on their site, like myself. I refuse to be forced to pay, to just chat with others, the website never quarantined any meetings or encounters either and never will, and can’t. So, your paying for a chance to chat is all, and look at profiles and have no idea if you can ever meet anyone anymore.

My personal opinion and experience with Adult Friend Finder’s Networks, was fun for the many years I was there, I must admit. Sadly, it is now over for me and many like me I believe. I will not be paying for the site, and I will move on and search for a different place to chat and play. Google will be a place to search for such a chat or adult dating sites, and I will hunt and peck till I find one I like.

The change in AdultFriend Finder andit’s networks was caused by a rift between the owners, as I understand it. So, in the end these updates and changes have been made, and all get charged from now on. It seems one owner is doing this to force the other owner into some action or to kill the site. It’s a sad thing to see, but life will go on for all of us non paying members I am sure, as we search for a new place to chat and interact with other adults who are like minded. I wish all well that I knew in Adultfriendfinder, if they stay there. I have no harsh feelings toward the site, or anyone in it or on it. I just do not see it as being worth the price to stay there or join at this time and date.

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